Anti-Bullying Policy

Tumbleweeds Anti-Bullying Policy and Staff Protocol in line with USAG Standards

  • Statement of Intent
  • Definition of bullying
  • Expectations
  • Reporting
  • Procedures for reporting and managing reports
  • Progressive disciplinary measures
  • Training requirements for staff, athletes, and parents

Statement of Intent
We at Tumbleweeds are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for our
athletes. Our athletes have a right to participate in an atmosphere free from harassment,
teasing, bullying and emotional harm. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in our club and in the
sport of gymnastics. Athletes should feel safe when confiding in any staff member and know
that their concerns will be dealt with promptly and discreetly.

What is Bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over
time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone
physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Bullying can be:

  • Emotional: taunting, deliberate exclusion, tormenting, threatening gestures
  • Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, punching, hair pulling, stealing or any use of violence
  • Racial: taunts, graffiti, gestures
  • Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
  • Homophobic: because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality
  • Verbal: name-calling, spreading rumors, teasing
  • Cyber: Social media, text messaging, photos and video taken in secret or altered for the
    intent of harming another person, bullying through gaming channels
    * Cyberbullying targeted toward an athlete of the club by another athlete of the club, will not be
    tolerated regardless of where the cyberbullying occurred. For example, if an athlete makes
    statements toward another athlete that is derogatory in nature such as, "You should quit. You'll
    never be good" and posts it on social media, then club management reserves the right to
    respond as if the incident occurred on site at the club.

If you are being bullied: Athletes should tell a coach as soon as possible and know that
reported incidents will be dealt with promptly and discreetly.
If you are an athlete that is made aware of bullying: Athletes who are made aware that a
fellow teammate is being bullied are expected to tell their coach or parents as soon as possible.
If you are a parent that is made aware of bullying: Contact your child's coach immediately.
If you are a coach that is made aware of bullying: Intervene immediately and contact club
management. Execute procedures for intervention and communication.

Athletes and parents are encouraged to report acts of bullying directly to their coach or any staff
member in the front office.
Reports may also be made at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Procedures for Parents, Coaches, and Management
1. Parents or athletes should report bullying incidents to the team coach or manager
immediately. If necessary and appropriate, the police or the school the athlete attends
may be consulted.
2. In all cases of reported bullying, parents of the gymnast(s) involved, will be informed
immediately and asked to meet with club management to discuss the incident.
3. Incidents of bullying will be investigated by club management, and necessary plans are
implemented for the safety of all athletes.
4. Documentation will be maintained that indicates the content and outcomes of any
meetings, interviews and decisions made.

Progressive Discipline:
*The outline below is an example of progressive disciplinary measures. Disciplinary measures
should always be consistent with club policy, but also individualized based on the situation, age
of the athletes and ability to understand the information.
1. In a first offense situation of bullying (not including violence), the person or persons
found to participate in bullying will be given an opportunity to modify their behavior.
Athletes and parents will be required to sign a formal acknowledgment of reprimand.
2. If the bullying persists, disciplinary action may be taken by the team coach and/or club
management which may include, but is not limited to any of the following:
a. Suspension from participation in training or meets.
b. Suspension from training for a week, up to one month
c. Suspension from attending an upcoming meet, clinic, or team activity
d. Removal from team
e. Removal from gym
3. After the incident/incidents have been investigated and addressed, the situation will
continue to be monitored by the respective team coach, team manager, and gymnasts'
parents to ensure the problem is resolved.
4. All incidents of bullying, subsequent meetings with parties involved and action plans will
be documented and kept on file with the club.
*At no time will violence be tolerated. Any direct action against another gymnast such as hitting,
punching or threatening harm will be dealt with swiftly with immediate suspension until an
investigation is conducted and all parties addressed.

*All meetings with athletes and parents of a situation of bullying will be documented and filed
with the gymnast's record.

Training Requirements
Anti Bullying Policy will to be included in Orientation upon hiring, as well as added to our
website. We will also review at the beginning of all CE Staff Trainings.